Tuesday 26 February 2013

Music Magazine: Second Photo Shoot (Molly)

 This is a selection of the Photos from my second photo shoot with my second model, some of them I will use and others I will not.

I would not use this photo as the models head placement is wrong, she moved as I took the photo and so it wouldn't look right in my magazine. 

I would use this photo as the head placement is correct, her whole body is in the shot and also the photo is in perfect focus so it is a good photo.

I would use this photo as the whole body is in shot and the photo is in focus, also she is not looking directly into the camera, and her posture is mature and suitable for older generations. 

However this photo does not have a good posture, the models posture and facial expression looks like it would appeal to a very young audience, and wouldn't suit the audience I am aiming for. 

I would use this photo as I have a clear shot of the ring and so I could cut around it using the magnetic tool on paintshop easily to add to my double page spread. 

I would use this photo as the whole body is in shot and the photo in in focus, also the models eyes are looking directly into the camera.

I would use this photo because there is a nice clear outline of the shoe which I can easily follow with the magnetic tool on paintshop and add the shoe to my double page spread. 

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