Saturday 9 February 2013

Music Magazine: Double page spread analysis

  • The image is big and takes up over one page showing that people are more interested in images then writing 
  • Also this double page spread uses 4 different fonts to make it appealing and interesting
  • The two big texts of 'USA' and 'Got the love' also take up a lot of the page and the different fonts make them appealing to look at
  • The artist is looking at the camera showing a connection between the artist and the reader
  • The only colour on the page is the red flag, which is very bold compared to the rest of the page
  • The simple colour scheme means it doesn't take away from what the artist is saying in the interview, also it means we can tell this is for an older audience
  • The 'USA' and the flag tell the audience, this interview is going to include a lot about America, this helps the audience know if it is a topic they are interested in reading before they even read the article, however it can also be used as a sort of teaser before you read the interview. 
I have learnt from this double page spread, that sometimes simple things like a simple colour scheme, can be very effective instead of putting loads on a page.

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