Tuesday 5 February 2013

Music Magazine: First Photo Shoot (Lydia)

Here is a selection of photos from my first photo shoot

I wouldn't use this photo because the model moved meaning her leg is slightly blurred

I wouldn't use this photo as the lighting is wrong making the photo look quite dark and not the uplifting look I would like to use.

I would use both of these photos because the lighting is correct and it has a light background

I would consider using this image because it is clear, and a different pose to looking at the camera, showing a range of images in the magazine.

I have decided not to use this picture as, the models hair doesn't look well placed, and for a magazine, small details need to be thought about.

I have decided to not use this picture as I would use this picture as the front cover and this picture would take up the whole page not leaving enough space I want for the masthead, and also making her eyes on the wrong level to connect with the audience.

I would consider using this photo however as I have left enough space for the mast head, her hair is all placed on one side and also her eyes are on the correct level to connect with the auidence.

I would use this image because if I cut around the shirt on photoshop, I will have a clear item of clothing that the artist is wearing.

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