Tuesday 22 January 2013

Preliminary Task: Photo Shoot

I have taken my photos for my school magazine and although I won't use all of them these are the images I 
Have to use. They show typical school environments and so are all suited to being in a school magazine. 

I wouldn't use this photo, because of Emily's posture, she looks more bored, then interested in what she is learning, it would give out the wrong impression for my magazine.

I would use this photo becaused they both look interested in the work, also the photo is clear and in focus. 

I wouldn't use this photo because although it is a good medium shot, the fire alarm in the background ruins the photo.

I wouldn't use this photo because it is slightly out of focus and wouldn't look good on my magazine.

I would use this photo as it is a good medium shot and it has a nice background of the outside of the school.
I would use this photo as it is in focus and it shows pupils working hard

I would use these two photos as background on my magazine

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