Wednesday 13 March 2013

Preliminary Task: School Magazine Front Cover

This is my school magazines front cover, I decided to use our own sixth form St Marks and used the colours of the school which are red and gold to be the main colours. The gold colour I used for the background I made faded in the right bottom corner to make it look interesting and to break up one solid colour. I also used the schools logo to make it obvious which school magazine it was. The dark red I used for the title I choose because it was bold and really stood out on the gold background. I used two photos one was the required medium close up of a student, which showed the student enjoying sixth form, but also showed the outside of the school, showing a range as the other photo shows the inside of the school. In the second photo of the students working I chose this photo to make it obvious to see it is a school magazine. The four shapes I used make the logo and the text stand out more, making the magazine look appealing and interesting. Finally the rest of the text I chose Bradley Hand ICT that looked like hand writing, this again helped distinguish this magazine as a school magazine and the lined paper behind the writing, complimented the font style.

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